a request

Advertising on bus stops in Saint-Petersburg

Advertising on bus stops is the most popular kind of advertising, which is in favor of advertisers. The target audience long contact (pedestrians, motor transport passengers) with advertising carriers allow effectively carrying information about goods and services. We offer a great number of advertising fields all over the city.

Advertising on bus stops
Advertising on bus stops
See also: Bus stops branding
Branding bus stops (stop pavilions)

The cost of advertising on city-formats

Term of placement Cost
1 side per month 6 500 - 30 000 rubles
  • The price depends on the location
  • The arrangement is possibly only on calendar months (from 1 to 30/31 day of a month)
  • The production of advertising materials is paid separately. The cost of printing on paper is 1,000 rubles, on the film for the scroller is 1,000 rubles.

See also